Harford Smith House
Property Details
The oldest house in Milford, this home was built by Philadelphian Robert Harford well before Judge Biddis laid out the community. Later owned by Dr. Francis Alexander L. Smith, whose father has a physician in the Revolutionary War and was a friend of Lafayette. Local tradition holds that Lafayette once visited in this house. For a time, the property was a tavern under the ownership of Lewis Cornelius (d. 1841), who built the Sawkill House ca. 1823 diagonally across East Harford Street to the east. 3 1/2-story residence of wood construction, with gable roff and gable-end orientation to the street. 4-bay façade with main entrance asymmetrically set on the left side. Windows generally flat-topped, 6/6 and 2/2, with original exterior operable shutters. In pediment of gable on façade is a pointed-arched window with corresponding shutters. (ca. 1740)