Brown Building
Property Details
Two-and three-story Italianate-style commercial building located at a major intersection in the downtown. Built of stuccoed rubble stone with a façade of common brick trimmed with native bluestone quoins. First story of the façade is of rusticated sandstone. Right portion was built first, and includes the original cast iron storefront; upper façade contains six bays punctuated by segmental-arched voids with flat-topped wood sash, one-over-one, and capped with a wood cornice. Left side is of two stories, with similar storefront, fenestration, and cornice. Erected by Abram D. and B. C. Brown; the First National Bank of Milford opened on the first floor in 1901 and remained here until moving to Forester’s Hall in 1905. Later housed the T. Armstrong General Store, the Milford Bargain Store, and Bloomgarden’s Department Store. Third story of right side contains “Brown’s Hall,” a long-time public assembly facility which hosted countless community events. Has been sensitively rehabilitated, including commercial and office use on the first story and apartments above. (1888; A. D. Brown, builder)
A. D. Brown, 1888 (Italianate) This commercial building once housed the local bank and a succession of department stores. The third floor became known as Brown’s Hall and hosted many public events. In 1895 the fifth graduation of Milford High School was held here. Be sure to look up and notice the small pediment brackets which start above the roofline and extend through the cornice and wide frieze band. Round window and door surrounds are replete on this building.