Dr. William B. Kenworthey Building
Property Details
2 1/2-story Queen Anne-style residential building of wood frame construction with shingled corner tower on the right side capped with a conical roof. Original veranda has been replaced with a shed-roofed hood which shields the main entrance which is on the left side of the façade. Windows flat-topped, with simple surrounds. Hipped roof with gable dormer on façade. 2-story bay gable-roofed window on right side, with semi-circular lunette in pediment. Local sources suggest that this house was built by local builder Abram D. Brown, a prominent contractor who also built the [Second] Pike County Court House. Long-time home of Dr. W. B. Kenworthey (b. 1872), a Philadelphian who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 1895 and after spending three years in nearby Dingman’s Ferry, came to Milord to practice. (ca. 1898)