Get to Know
Milford, Pennsylvania
Milford is inordinately proud of its status as a heritage community and Historic District. Homeowners rehabilitate, restore and exhibit the history of their homes. The Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County was founded in December 1995 with the mission of preserving sites and structures throughout Pike County and was instrumental in the establishment of the Milford National Historic District in 2002. In Milford, preservation matters.
When you come to Milford, pick up a Walking Tour guide of the streets in one of our shops, and show yourself around. You will be amazed at the variety of different styles and effects. And don’t forget the alleys. Behind every main street there is an alley to complement it, and the old stables and garages have been turned into workshops and residences in their own right. There is a lot to see in a walking tour of Milford!
Our Mission
To preserve historic sites and structures throughout Pike County and be a voice for preserving our architecture and historic sites.
The Historic Preservation Trust was founded in December 1995 with the mission of preserving sites and structures throughout Pike County. During the ensuing years it has organized itself as a nonprofit corporation and has received a 501.(C)(3) tax exempt status to help it attract public and private funds in pursuit of its preservation projects.
The Trust has 2 primary functions. First and foremost, we are a service organization carrying out projects throughout the county to preserve our historic sites and structures. Secondly, we are an advocacy organization. We do this by providing information, education, and promoting historic preservation. Members of the Trust come from a broad cross-section of area citizens including residents, local businesspeople and professionals all of whom share a common concern for the maintenance and preservation of our well-designed villages and notable architecture.
All our members are volunteers whose interests and skills reflect many disciplines. Our projects need input from homeowners, businesspeople and tradesmen, from people with organizing and projects experience, from communications experts and fund raisers, to name a few. Everyone who cares about Pike County’s architectural heritage will likely find some fulfillment from being affiliated with the Trust.
Entrances to the town have been signed proclaiming the Borough as “The Birthplace of the American Conservation Movement.”
Over 400 sites and structures in Milford Borough have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places and a historic plaque has been installed on about 200 of these buildings and homes.
Other Historic Trust programs include:
Façade Improvement Grants for projects in Milford Borough’s commercial district. Grants are awarded for up to $5000, generally 2 per year. Applicants should submit a description, a photo of the project area, builder’s cost estimate or invoice, and a copy of the COA(Certificate of Appropriateness recommended by the ARB and approved by the Borough Council) to HPT/PC, PO Box 1361, Milford,PA 18337, Attention-Maryanne Monte, Treasurer, 973-525-7810.
Sign Design Grants for business signage that is historically-appropriate to its location in Milford Borough’s commercial district in the amount of $1,500, generally 2-3 per year. Submit description, draft design, signmaker’s design work,estimate, and confirmation that your sign project is before the ARB for recommendation to the Borough Council for its approval and a COA(Certificate Of Appropriateness), to HPT/PC, PO Box 1361, Milford, PA 18337, Attention: Bill Kiger, Pres., 570-618-3138. Because of the substantial size of the grant, the HPT asks for sign-off on the design before the ARB recommendation.
Cemetery Sign Design Grants are offered for museum-documented family and township cemeteries in Pike County. Grant amounts are awarded for up to the full cost of the design and the sign itself. Submit description, draft design, map of location in Pike Co., photo of site, group or individual the cemetery is cared for by, to HPT/PC, PO Box 1361, Milford, PA 18337, Attention: Bill Kiger, Pres., 570-618-3138.
The Trust recognizes the work done by others in support of our goal of beautifying our County Seat – especially the work of the Milford Enhancement Committee, Milford Garden Club, Milford Street Tree Commission, Milford Borough, and property and business owners.
Board Members
Bill Kiger – President
Glyn Eisenhauer – Vice President
Maryanne Monte – Secretary / Treasurer
Trish Lutfy
Michael Maruszewski
Lisa Renz
Jim Pedranti
Lori Strelecki
Nancie Simonet
Adriane Wendell
Jean Hoff – President Emeritus
Ed Brannon
Richard Lindsey
Chuck O’Neil
Richard Pedranti